
Information according to § 5 TMG:


Knueppel & Co. “Teve Knüppel”

Boschetsrieder Straße 15

BY-81379, Munich


Responsible for editorial content pursuant to Section 18 § MStV within the framework of the website and social media appearances is:

Teve Knüppel

+49 (0) 1718426455


VAT-Number: DE353431935

Tax-ID: 145 133 72141

Credit for the images and graphics used



We are responsible for the contents of our internet pages according to the general laws, especially according to § 7 Abs. 1 TMG. All contents are created with due diligence and to the best of our knowledge. Insofar as we refer to the Internet pages of third parties by means of hyperlinks on our Internet pages, we cannot accept any liability for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the linked contents, as these contents lie outside our area of responsibility and we have no influence on the future design. If, in your opinion, any content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please let us know. The legal information on this page as well as all questions and disputes in connection with this website are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.