Turnaround & restructuring

Rethink your business to adapt to today’s ever-changing market.

Companies around the world are facing an unprecedented number of challenges. These threats have many faces, be it weakened balance sheets, uncertainty about COVID-19 recovery curves, challenges arising from operating in a virtual environment, macroeconomic or geopolitical changes, competitor innovation, or changing stakeholder expectations.

We can guide you through four Turnarounds:

  • Operative Turnaround

  • Financial Restructuring

  • Restructuring Implementation

  • Distressed Debt Advisory


The analysis is not only aimed at companies that are already showing the first signs of a crisis, but also at the lenders involved. A plausibility check or verification of business models and business plans is often required by lenders in order to examine a possible provision of capital, extension of credit, or their conditions on this basis for decision-making.The main risks to the company's development and external crisis drivers are identified. The main aim of the analysis is to obtain an overview of the company's financial situation within a short period of time. On this basis, initial potential and alternative courses of action can often be identified.Based on analyses carried out and discussions held, the results are presented in a SWOT structure. The company divisions are assessed according to their strengths / weaknesses / opportunities / risks profile. The strengths and weaknesses are intended to capture the company's internal situation, while the opportunities and risks are intended to capture the main external influencing factors.

  1. Examination of sales, earnings and liquidity planning

  2. Examination of financing structures and debt service capabilities

  3. Examination of the business model

  4. Quick check on restructuring potentials

Turnaround Concept

  • Independent Business Review (IBR)

  • Continuation concepts / continuation forecasts

  • Restructuring strategies / Development strategies

  • Integrated business plans


We offer a holistic and solution-oriented consulting approach. In crisis situations, we therefore not only advise, but also accompany the companies in the implementation of the concepts. The following tasks are part of our range of services:

  • Taking over crisis management, in particular initiating immediate measures

  • Negotiations with capital providers and other "stakeholders”

  • Accompanying the implementation of necessary operative reorganization measures. On request or if necessary, we also assume responsibility as CRO, CEO or CFO, either to build trust with the stakeholders or to protect the previous management from risks.

  • Project management for the implementation of restructuring measures

  • Takeover of restructuring controlling and reporting

  • We design, accompany and coordinate the entire M&A process in the context of a restructuring measure in close cooperation with our clients.


Technical Due Diligence / M&A